Tuesday, November 13, 2018

10 & 11 months

This handsome little boy is almost one year old! He recently got a visit from both sets of grandparents and he soaked up all the love. As you can tell in the photos he loves to read books. He has four teeth right now and boy do I love that smile. He had added the word "Ezra" to his vocabulary as I am always saying her name (Ezra drop it, Ezra no bark, Ezra sit, Ezra treat...) He points at everything in the house and wants you to say the name. His favorite foods right now are green beans, cheese and eggs. He knows where his hair, ears and tummy are.  There is nothing that warms my heart more than his smile and giggles (I'm such a mush now that I am a mom). "I love you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too." -Caroline Church (Sawyer's favorite book).

Sunday, September 16, 2018

8 & 9 months

Summer of 2018 has been the best one yet. Sawyer started walking at 8 months and every day since he has gotten faster and faster. He just got his first pair of adidas shoes. He really enjoyed swimming this summer and playing with all his new found friends.  I am fortunate to have so many friends who had children within close proximity to Sawyer's age. Play dates are on a weekly basis.

Now at 9 months he is 16 pounds which is zero percentile on the weight scale. I was a little concerned until I learned that Travis was only 17 pounds at one year old. Like father, like son. For head and height he is twenty five percent. He has two bottom teeth and loves to eat. His favorite foods are fruit, eggs, and string cheese. He is becoming very independent at 9 months. He doesn't want to be walked in the stroller or pushed in his car. He wants to walk next to the car and push the stroller. Walks are not near as long now, sorry Ezra. He loves playing chase and screaming when he finds you. The way he makes me belly laugh  makes my heart so happy. Jill and cousin Connor also came to visit this summer and Sawyer loved being read to and having a buddy. 

I have heard from so many mothers that it is a love like you have never known. I couldn't agree more.  He is my greatest joy. One quote I heard that has stuck with me by Elizabeth Stone: "Making the decision to have a child-it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Months 6 & 7

   Time is really getting away from me. My last post was 5 months and now he is almost 7.5 months. I feel like I say this every blog post, but 6 and 7 months have been by far the best months! At 6 months he weighed in at 14 lbs 3 oz and was two percent in weight on the growth scale. Little peanut. Height was 26 inches which was 25 percent.  My mother-in-law says that Travis was never on the growth scale as a baby so it must be genetics.
  At 6 months we got him baptized. He slept in my arms during the baptism and when they poured water over his head, he woke up startled but never cried. He even let the pastor carry him down the isle with no fear. Shari and Dale also came to pay us a nice visit that week. Shari and Dale babysat for us so we got to go on our first date since baby. Dale also put up a baby swing in the backyard which Sawyer loves to nap in.
  He hit major milestones at 6 months. Two teeth, sitting up on his own, crab crawling, and pulling himself up on everything and eating solids. His favorite foods are banana, squash, sweet potato and blueberries. At 7 months he is now walking with his walker, and his first word is "mama" (YES!!!). He loves swimming at the pool during these hot Ohio summer days. He is sleeping through the night mostly and still breastfeeding.  They truly are gifts from God and I am grateful for him everyday.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

5 months!

Sawyer is growing like a weed these days, just in time for spring. He is sitting so well and just yesterday I saw him do a little army crawl (insert scared face). His little screeches and screams are the best thing to hear at 4:30 in the morning (insert tired face).  He loves to suck on apples and carrots and he is still breastfeeding like a champ! I had an amazing first Mother's day and I thank God everyday for picking me to be his mother.
I have to give a shout out to my sister who watches Sawyer when I go to work. I am so grateful she lives right down the road.  Sawyer loves to see his cousins Greyson and Izzy. I can't wait to watch them grow up together.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Easter 2018!

4 months!

Weighing in at 12 lbs and 10 oz! His favorite hobbies include belly laughing, snuggles, and watching his parents eat!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

3 months!

Sawyer is 3 months old already and I am just loving this stage. He is talking all the time now. I have heard him say "Mama" a few times, especially when he is hungry! He loves to play with toys and grabs everything, including my food. He has officially rolled front to back and back to front. Occasionally he sleeps through the night, but definitely not every night. He recently discovered his feet and toes. He doesn't want me to put on his footed pajamas so he can suck on his big toe. I just can't stop snapping pictures of him! Too cute!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2 months old

My baby is officially 2 months old! He is weighing in at 10 lbs 4 oz.  and 23.5 inches long. He is now wearing 0-3 month clothes and is smiling and cooing all the time. He loves when we read books to him, especially the touch and feel books. He is starting to try to feel them. He is learning the word nose, and when I say the word he touches mine (this is crazy how fast they develop). His hair is also starting to grow back that he lost from birth. Everyday he is starting to look more and more like me when I was a baby.

As a side note, I am saddened to say that yesterday I found out the doctor that delivered Sawyer passed away. He was such a wonderful and kind man to work with and was a great doctor to me as a patient. He will always have a special place in my heart because of the beautiful life he brought to me and Travis. "God be with you, till we meet again."