Thursday, July 12, 2018

Months 6 & 7

   Time is really getting away from me. My last post was 5 months and now he is almost 7.5 months. I feel like I say this every blog post, but 6 and 7 months have been by far the best months! At 6 months he weighed in at 14 lbs 3 oz and was two percent in weight on the growth scale. Little peanut. Height was 26 inches which was 25 percent.  My mother-in-law says that Travis was never on the growth scale as a baby so it must be genetics.
  At 6 months we got him baptized. He slept in my arms during the baptism and when they poured water over his head, he woke up startled but never cried. He even let the pastor carry him down the isle with no fear. Shari and Dale also came to pay us a nice visit that week. Shari and Dale babysat for us so we got to go on our first date since baby. Dale also put up a baby swing in the backyard which Sawyer loves to nap in.
  He hit major milestones at 6 months. Two teeth, sitting up on his own, crab crawling, and pulling himself up on everything and eating solids. His favorite foods are banana, squash, sweet potato and blueberries. At 7 months he is now walking with his walker, and his first word is "mama" (YES!!!). He loves swimming at the pool during these hot Ohio summer days. He is sleeping through the night mostly and still breastfeeding.  They truly are gifts from God and I am grateful for him everyday.